Intentional Creativity® is really beyond words.  It’s a spiritual practice to access inner knowledge like no other way has worked for me.  It allows me to hear my voice and the voice of my ancestors.  Through the guidance of my muse and my brush, I have faced so many fears that were blocking me from finding the inner passage to my soul.

Imagine meeting your creative self.

Bring your curiosity and creative muse!

It’s a way to return to my true self and finally come home.  Intentional Creativity® is a chosen practice and an approach to life that helps me see the invisible – visible. 

Teaching this practice, through inquiries, creativity, music, body movement and the use of sacred ritual, I guide brave and heart-centered women who are ready to open up and trust themselves and reclaim their true selves.  

Let go of expectations!

How’s the water?, one fish said to another.
Awareness of your surroundings and the use of creativity will make you want to plunge in and deep dive!

What people say…

She channels her amazing intuitive gifts through her art.
~ MS

Karen is a constant and profound channel for intuitive healing art. I have been lucky enough to be guided by her creativity and it moved me into energetic shifts. I once had a meeting where many of her art pieces were on display and I left the meeting knowing that just being in the presence of her art had shifted my energy in a good way.
~ JG

A client of an energy worker friend where my Medicine Woman painting lives, recently asked “Who is the woman in the painting that heals people with her paintbrush?”

Every time I see Karen’s art it’s like God jumping into my ear to heal me.  Her art heals.  It touches me and brings me to tears.  I believe Karen’s art should be in every home!                                       
~ DB

Karen is  amazingly gifted and inspired as an artist, creating works that touch heart and spirit.   
~ DE

Karen is insanely creative!  She shares her soul through art.  She embraces every part of herself, and keeps evolving and sharing her heart through  her art. 
~ LO

I highly recommend Karen’s Intentional Creativity classes for anyone desiring to access or expand their creativity.

This class helped me to work through some false concepts I have held regarding my creative imagination….even the realization that at one point I suppressed it.  This class shifted in me the realization that I actually do have creative imagination!  By acknowledging my inner Muse and developing a closer relationship I can learn how to play and have more fun!  I’m now closer to learning about how creative pursuits might bring me more joy.
~ JS


Everything comes up Metaphors
When you embrace your imagination
Enjoy the moment,
Grasp a poem with ease.
Inhale the nuances of expression
Create and REPEAT!

~ Karen Thompson